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In addition, we will be posting information on various resources that we have found to be particularly helpful in dealing with specific issues related to our walk with God.
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You can become a part of the Faithwalk Blog. Simply click on the YOUR Miracles button on the nav bar, and share a story of a miracle God has done in your life, or the life of someone you know. Your story then becomes a part of this blog (which shows the site's most recent pages) and a permanent part of for others to read and be encouraged by!
In 2008, as I was on the net, I bumped into a website advertising a conference at the Green lake (Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries), Wisconsin. I asked the
It was in 2002, when I visited Norway and was doing ministry with an Evangelical Church. It was Thursday afternoon I received a call from the home group
June 17, 1991, my husband Frankie was in a chemical explosion at work in a building with 9 other men. Six died in the initial explosion and Frankie and
I was shopping in Walmart one day, looking for protein bars in the pharmacy section. I don't know why, but that is where Walmart has their protein
Faithwalk Ministries is also involved in various outreaches and missions projects in numerous countries around the world.
In November 2013, I was able to make a mission trip to the island of Mindanao in the Philippines and see God work in mighty ways.
One of the obstacles that can keep us struggling in our walk with God is not understanding that God really does want fellowship with us.
These are messages we have put together for the specific purpose of assisting you in overcoming obstacles to walking with God in a closer way.
Sometimes hearing stories about how God has supernaturally intervened with healing in the lives of others can encourage us and build our faith in our own search for healing.
Faithwalk Ministries is happy to announce that our very popular "School of Intimacy" is now available on CD's. There are also several of our single messages available as well. For more information be sure to visit our resources page at Hope you find these helpful!
Faithwalk Ministries offers numerous resources to help you grow in your walk with God.
Faithwalk Ministries now has a page on facebook! We want to encourage you to check out our new page and then LIKE US, so that we can help get the message of God's desire for an intimate relationship with us out to as many people as possible! God Bless You! Rick
This is a great story about the difference one person can make when they are faithful and persistent to carry out what God has given them to do.